Monday, October 17, 2011

#change11 Is a MOOC a CoP?

As part of an independent study this semester, I have been looking at the development and progress of social constructivism leading (in my mind) to CoP and then connectivism.  I am in the midst of digesting all of Wenger's writings on communities of practice. But, as I am also trying to participate in Change11, I am having a mental mashup.

Specifically, I am trying to figure out how (or if it's possible) to translate Lave and Wenger's legitimate peripheral participation into what is going on in the MOOC.  I see our fearless facilitators as the 'experts'. But, how do all of us participants move through various levels of learning to achieve an approximation of expertise? Does this only come from direct participation by blogging and commenting? 

I definitely want to hear more from others about what they think. I am sitting, like a potted plant contemplating the soil...I need light and water to make more sense of this thing....

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